A request from the Town of Wellesley's new Transportation & Mobility Manager.
You know how to get around Wellesley better than most. Share your expertise with the Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization by answering a few questions in their Vision Zero Plan - A Roadmap to Safer Streets survey. The Boston region is working to create safer streets to allow us to enjoy more walking and biking. With your input, not only will Wellesley have a presence in this plan, but it will also position the Town for grant opportunities. Feel free to pinpoint on a map areas of concern / near misses and offer solutions by going to https://www.bostonmpovisionzero.org/. Simply click in the middle of the page click on "Safety Concerns Map - Open Map in New Window." Then click on the icons to see what others are saying. Repeats of what others say is ok, as it gives weight to the issue. Do the same for another issue/location if you wish. Fill in the information in the form that pops up for that location. Drag the map and use the plus and minus signs to scroll in to your location. Click to drop the pin. Click on the "Submit a Safety Concern" bar on the lower right. Fill out the survey: https://www.bostonmpovisionzero.org/ In the middle left, click on "Take the Survey." Thank you for helping us make our streets safer! Strap on your helmet and lace up your shoes! Take part in Walk, Bike & Roll to School Day on Wednesday, May 3. This annual event is a day to celebrate the benefits of active commuting, and build community and school spirit. Join with other schools in the Commonwealth and take part on that day, or any other day in May. Or host a "Walk at School" event during the school day.
If you would like more information on safe routes for walking and biking to school in Wellesley, email Wellesley School Committee member Catherine Mirick ([email protected]) or Select Board member Colette Aufranc ([email protected]). Walk, Bike & Roll to School Day is part of Massachusetts Safe Routes to School flagship activities. Also, stay tuned for more information on the second annual Wellesley Rules of The Ride Bike Event on June 10th 10-11.30am at WHS parking lot (rain date June 11). This fun, smart cycling event for rising 6th graders and all middle school students will teach the students the rules of the road on a guided ride along the Book Path & streets. email [email protected] for more information and keep an eye out for details. Get ready to participate in walk, bike and roll to school day on Wednesday, Oct. 12. It’s a healthy, safe, and fun way to start the school year. If enough people participate, the event also potentially reduces traffic and emissions in town for the day.
Wellesley’s elementary schools — Bates, Fiske, Hardy, Schofield, Sprague, and Upham — are regular participants in the yearly effort, as are the middle and high schools. The weather is good, so this is the prime time to try out new mobility options in town. More than 30% of our emissions come from transportation in and around. Like what you say? How about FREE rides around Wellesley and useful neighboring spots on the Catch Connect van service for folks 12 and over. Try taking the train to Natick or Boston; the T to the Red Sox game; walk, scoot, or bike to work, to friend's houses and to do errands this month.
While you are trying new transportation options, try combining your Amazon deliveries (maybe your neighbors too) to 1 x a week to reduce truck deliveries in town. These are all part of Town of Wellesley's Sustainable Mobility Plan which also includes more sidewalk connectivity, new bike racks and bike repair stations, more road crossing lights, bike lanes, and electric vehicle charging stations. Bring your family, neighbors and friends to march with us in the Wellesley Parade tomorrow from 1-3pm.
Enjoy the shout outs and cheers from friendly spectators along the route. You can feel the environmental enthusiasm in town. We will be encouraging actions that will help us meet the Town wide goal of being Net Zero by 2050. Help us get the word out on Sunday Oct. 3rd. We will be lining up at 12.45pm on the corner of Elm and Washington Streets (Pole #5). Should be fun. Strollers welcome. RSVP here https://forms.gle/EKPG1v9HqEAqcbQN6 Create Healthy Habits While Helping Wellesley Reduce Its Greenhouse Gas Emissions
The new school year is a chance to begin new routines. Recent climate studies show that 30% of Wellesley's traffic is school-related transportation. Instead of driving, start some new school traditions this fall. - Get together with friends and walk to school - Form neighborhood walking groups with other parents, caretakers, families – take turns leading the group. - Ride bikes or scooters with neighbors. -Check in with the Wellesley Public Schools to see if there is space on the bus: it is free if you live more than 2 miles from school. More information on Wellesley's upcoming “Safe Routes to School” walking and biking initiative is coming out soon. Learn more about it from the Town's Mobility Committee members (see below). Better yet, consider participating in it by serving as a parent representative for your school. Wellesley Select Board member Colette Aufranc at [email protected] Wellesley School Committee Chair Catherine Mirick at [email protected] Know these folks?
Give them a big shout out!! Congratulations to Wellesley High Schools' Climate Action Club members Vaani Kapoor, Kaitlin Braun, and Catherine Smith, who won the Community Engagement Award for their work on Solar Power and other initiatives from Project Green Schools' 2021 Green Difference Awards. Also big congrats to Lisa Moore, Wellesley Natural Resources Commission's Environmental Education and Outreach Coordinator, on receiving a Project Green Schools' 2021 Green Difference Awards for Outdoor Learning and Education. Thanks to Wellesley Green Schools for taking the time to nominate these outstanding individuals. Way to go, Wellesley! Give input on Wellesley's Sustainable Mobility Plan (SMP).
As part of the SMP, the Town has launched a series of short surveys to gather more information on a range of mobility topics. Each survey takes five minutes or less to complete. Please respond to as many or few that apply to your travel and spread the word to friends and family. The most recent survey asks about school travel and is designed for either students or parents. Your input is important as we seek ways to make low impact travel modes (walking, biking, buses) safer and more attractive. In addition to the school survey, we encourage you to take any previous surveys that apply to how you travel, get deliveries, and plan for future travel. The first five of 10 surveys are available at this link under the “Wellesley Wheelhouse” Tab. So far the topics focus on: Survey 1- Work from Home trends Survey 2 - Biking and E-bicycles Survey 3 - Use of Ridehailing Services (e.g. Uber and Lyft) Survey 4 - Use of E-commerce Survey 5 - School Travel In the future watch for surveys on autonomous vehicles, bikability, use of food delivery services, microtransit, and electric vehicles. If you have questions, please email [email protected]. Thank you for your help with this community project! |