Earth Day Book Recommendations (Adults & ChildreN) from The Librarians @ Wellesley Free LIbrary4/17/2023
Thank you to the librarians at Wellesley Free Library for putting together this list of Earth Day books for adults. Here is a list of Earth Day books for children here.
A girl of the Limberlost / Gene Stratton Porter. By Gene Stratton-Porter FICTION Stratton-Porter, G. Written in 1909, this novel follows Elnora, a young girl who learns and grows up in the swamplands, collecting and saving creatures and animals. Stratton-Porter also was the first American woman to form a movie production company, and she used these funds and notoriety to help conserve parts of the Limberlands (in Indiana) that still are preserved today. By Richard Powers FICTION Powers; PLAYAWAY Powers, R. A novel of activism and natural-world power presents interlocking fables about nine remarkable strangers who are summoned in different ways by trees for an ultimate, brutal stand to save the continent's few remaining acres of virgin forest. Silent spring revolution: John F. Kennedy, Rachel Carson, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, and the great environmental awakening By Douglas Brinkley NEW 337.2 Brinkley Chronicles the rise of environmental activism during the Long Sixties (1960-1973), telling the story of an indomitable generation that saved the natural world under the leadership of John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, and Richard Nixon This Changes Everything: Capitalism and the Climate By Naomi Klein 363.738 Klein Klein argues that climate change isn’t just another issue to be neatly filed between taxes and health care. It’s an alarm that calls us to fix an economic system that is already failing us in many ways. She meticulously builds the case for how massively reducing our greenhouse emissions is our best chance to simultaneously reduce gaping inequalities, re-imagine our broken democracies, and rebuild our gutted local economies We Are the Weather: Saving the Planet Begins at Breakfast By Jonathan Safran Foer CD367.3 Foer. People have turned the planet into a farm for growing meat, and the consequences are catastrophic. Collective action is needed and it all starts with what they eat, and don't eat, for breakfast and lunch. The conscious closet: the revolutionary guide to looking good while doing good By Elizabeth L. Cline. 391 Cline Whether your goal is to build an effortless capsule wardrobe, keep up with trends without harming the environment, buy better quality, seek out ethical brands, or all of the above, The Conscious Closet is packed with the vital tools you need. Cline delves into fresh research on fashion's impacts and shows how we can leverage our everyday fashion choices to change the world through style. The Uninhabitable Earth By David Wallace-Wells 508 Wallace-Wells The book fleshes out Wallace-Wells' original New York magazine piece in more detail, dovetailing into discussions surrounding various possibilities for Earth's future across a spectrum of predicted future temperature ranges. A Sand County almanac, and sketches here and there By Aldo Leopold 508.73 Leopold Leopold recognized that his dream of a widely accepted and implemented set of values based on caring—for people, for land, and for all the connections between them—would have to “evolve… in the minds of a thinking community. Rising: dispatches from the new American shore By Elizabeth Rush 551.457 Rush Harvey. Maria. Irma. Sandy. Katrina. The early twenty-first century can be described as a time of unprecedented and catastrophic weather events, a time when it is increasingly clear that climate change is neither imagined nor distant - and that rising seas are transforming the coastline of the United States in irrevocable ways. The author explores some of the places where this change has been most dramatic, from the Gulf Coast to Miami, and from New York City to the Bay Area. How to Avoid a Climate Disaster: The Solutions We Have and the Breakthroughs We Need By Bill Gates 551.6 Gates In this urgent, authoritative book, Bill Gates sets out a wide-ranging, practical - and accessible - plan for how the world can get to zero greenhouse gas emissions in time to avoid a climate catastrophe. The Climate Book: Facts and Solutions By Greta Thunberg 551.6 Thunberg The wisdom of over one hundred experts - geophysicists, oceanographers and meteorologists; engineers, economists and mathematicians; historians, philosophers and indigenous leaders are presented to equip us to battle the climate disaster. To speak for the trees: my life's journey from ancient Celtic wisdom to a healing vision of the forest By Diana Beresford-Kroeger. 580.92 Beresford-Kroeger Canadian botanist, biochemist and visionary Diana Beresford-Kroeger's startling insights into the hidden life of trees have already sparked a quiet revolution in how we understand our relationship to forests. Now, in a captivating account of how her life led her to these illuminating and crucial ideas, she shows us how forests can not only heal us but save the planet. The Secret Wisdom of Nature: Trees, Animals, and the Extraordinary Balance of all Living Things: Stories from Science and Observation By Peter Wohlleben; translation by Jane Billinghurst. 580.92 Wohlleben Master storyteller Wohlleben takes readers on a thought-provoking exploration of the vast natural systems that make life on Earth possible. In this tour of an almost unfathomable world, Wohlleben describes the fascinating interplay between animals and plants. Ice walker: a polar bear's journey through the fragile Arctic By James Raffan 599.786 Raffan In the Arctic's lands and waters, oil has been extracted--and spilled. As global temperatures have risen, the sea ice that Nanu, a mother Polar Bear, and her young need to hunt seal and fish has melted, forcing them to wait on land where the delicate balance between them and their two-legged neighbors has now shifted Silent Spring By Rachel Carson 632 Carson First published in 1962, this book alerted a large audience to the environmental and human dangers of indiscriminate use of pesticides. The outcry that followed its publication forced the banning of DDT and spurred revolutionary changes in the laws affecting our air, land, and water. Give a sh*t: do good. live better. save the planet : a practical handbook / by Ashlee Piper. Piper, Ashlee, 640.286 Piper There are simple shifts anyone can make to live and be better every day, while protecting our planet. Piper guides readers through the transition to a kinder, healthier, more conscious, and sustainable life. No One is Too Small to Make a Difference By Greta Thunberg BIOGRAPHY Thunberg, G. The groundbreaking speeches of Greta Thunberg, the young climate activist who has become the voice of a generation, including her historic address to the United Nations. Can we cool the planet? by Ben Kalina (dir) DVD 363.73874 Can As global temperatures continue to rise, scientists are wondering if there are solutions beyond reducing emissions. Enter geoengineering. From sucking carbon straight out of the air to physically blocking out sunlight, the options may seem far-fetched. Can geoengineering really work? How much would it cost? And what are the risks of engineering Earth's climate? Before the Flood By Fisher Stevens (dir) DVD 363.73874 Before A documentary presenting a riveting account of the dramatic changes occurring around the world due to climate change, as well as the actions individuals and society can take to prevent catastrophic disruption of life on this planet. Earth Emergency By Susan Gray (dir) DVD 577.22 Earth Listen to the scientists. That's the refrain of climate activist Greta Thunberg. Climate scientists explain how warming caused by human activity is setting in motion Earth's own natural warming mechanisms, releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, and further warming the planet. Comments are closed.