Entry Criteria:
Submissions are welcome from K-12 students who are residents of Wellesley and/or enrolled in the Wellesley Public Schools Deadline to enter is Friday, March 15, 2019 Entries must be entirely original content (no clips from movies or other videos) Videos must be shorter than 3 minutes, essays must be fewer than 500 words, and infographics or advertisements must be legible on a single 8.5×11 page Entry must explain the problem that you are proposing to solve, and how promoting a current local resource, policy change, or behavior change will make Wellesley greener. The entry must provide a convincing argument for the positive impact this resource or activity can make. Entries may be submitted by an individual, or a team of up to 3 students Entries must include appropriate citation Entry Submissions: Submit your entry here
Questions that Projects Should Answer and Topic Ideas Questions to Answer:
Remember to cite your sources when you’re providing specific data! We’ll accept any style citation, provided it’s clear where data in your project came from. Topic Ideas: Here are some ideas to get you started!
Judging Criteria: Submissions will be scored on a scale from 1-5, based on the following criteria:
A winner will be selected by panelists from Wellesley Green Schools from each school level (Elementary (K-5), Middle (6-8) and High (9-12)). Comments are closed.